Christian Martin (@ctmartin), Tim Zabel (@tjzabel), Aidan Kahrs (@axk4545)
TigerOS is a Fedora Remix that beautifully utilizes Linux to meet the demands of RIT students and faculty.

Christian Martin (@ctmartin), Tim Zabel (@tjzabel), Aidan Kahrs (@axk4545)
TigerOS is a Fedora Remix that beautifully utilizes Linux to meet the demands of RIT students and faculty.
Mark Repka (@repkam09, original author), Justin W. Flory (@jwf, current maintainer), Seth Hendrick (@xforever1313), Nate Levesque (@thenaterhood), and others
TeleIRC bridges communication between a Telegram group and an IRC channel. The project is a lightweight NodeJS application.
This bot was originally written for RITlug and our own Telegram group and IRC channel. Today, it is used by various communities all over the world.