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Week #8: Gaming on Linux

18 October 2024

Hello everyone!

This week Freya will be giving a presentation about gaming on Linux. We will be meeting on Friday, from 4:30 to 6:00 PM in Golisano 2455

See you all there!

Event Details

Fri, Oct. 18, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #7: Tiling Window Managers

11 October 2024

Hi all!

This week, I will be giving a presentation about choosing, using, and configuring tiling window managers. As always, we’ll meet this Friday from 4:30 - 6:00 PM in Golisano 2455.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Oct. 11, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #6: Hacktoberfest

04 October 2024

Hello everyone!

This week will be a little bit different from previous meetings. This week we will be talking about hacktoberfest, an event that occurs every October to encourage contributions to open source projects. After a short presentation on how to sign up, the rest of the meeting will be free time to work on your own contributions to an open source project.

If you have ideas for a free/open source project that RITLUG members might be interested in contributing to, contact an eBoard member and we will include it in the slide deck for this week.

See you all there!

Event Details

Fri, Oct. 04, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #5: File Systems

27 September 2024

Hi there!

This week Tristan will be presenting about file systems. If you want to know about file systems, how they work, and how they came to be, you should come to our meeting on Friday September 27th, at 4:30PM in Golisano 2455.

See you there.

Event Details

Fri, Sep. 27, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #4: Package Management

20 September 2024

Hello everyone!

If you’re new to Linux, you probably want to know how to install software. If you’re not, then maybe you’ve wondered how that software gets from a source repository on the developer’s computer, to being a binary on your computer.

Either way, join us tomorrow at 4:30PM in Golisano 2455 for my presentation about package management

Event Details

Fri, Sep. 20, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #3: Text Editors

13 September 2024

Hi there! Our presentation for this week will be about text editors. Whether you use vim, emacs, or something else, come tomorrow to hear wrong opinions about your favorite text editor.

Event Details

Fri, Sep. 13, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #2: Getting Started

06 September 2024

Hello everyone! This week’s presentation will be about how you can get started using Linux if you aren’t already. We will cover virtual machines and dual booting, and we will also be doing live demonstrations that you can follow along with.

Come join us at 4:30 PM tomorrow in Golisano-2455.

Event Details

Fri, Sep. 06, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #1: Welcome back!

30 August 2024

Hello everyone, and welcome to the fall semester at RIT! This week’s meeting will be a chance for new and returning members to introduce themselves, and for eboard to quickly introduce the club and what we do.

Due to a scheduling conflict, we have been moved upstairs this semester. We will be meeting this Friday and all subsequent Fridays in Golisano room 2455 from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM.

See you all there!

Event Details

Fri, Aug. 30, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #14: Lightning Talks

26 April 2024

Hey everyone, this week is lighting talks! For anyone who doesn’t know, that means this week will be short (~5 minutes) presentations about anything. The only rules are have fun, be yourself, and follow all of the other rules. As usual, we will be meeting in Golisano 1445 this Friday at 4:30 PM.

Event Details

Fri, Apr. 26, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #13: Elections + Web Development

19 April 2024

Hey everyone! This week is elections! Make sure to come to the meeting if you want to vote on who will be on eBoard next semester. It’s also not too late to add your own name to the ballet!

After the election, Freya will be giving a talk on the history of the web and web development. As usual, we will meet this Friday in Golisano 1445 at 4:30 pm. See you all there!

Event Details

Fri, Apr. 19, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #12: Text Encoding

12 April 2024

Hey all! This week, I’ll be presenting a talk about text encodings. As usual, we’ll meet in GOL-1445 at 4:30 pm this Friday.

As a reminder, elections will happen on April 19th (the meeting after next). There is still time to run for election if you want to help run RITlug next year! See the Week 10 announcement for more information. Lightning talks will occur on April 26th - the final meeting of the semester.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Apr. 12, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #11: Win32 ABI

05 April 2024

Hey all! This week, we’ll have a presentation from Simon about the Win32 ABI. As usual, we’ll meet this Friday at 4:30 pm in Golisano 1445.

As a reminder, elections will happen on April 19th and lightning talks will take place on April 26th. See the previous announcement for more details.

See you all there!

Event Details

Fri, Apr. 05, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #10: Git Decentralized + Election Information

29 March 2024

Hey everyone, a few things this week! First things first, I will be giving a presentation on how to use git “the linux way” (using email lists, raw text patches, the whole nine yards!) As always, we will meet tomorrow from 4:30p-6:00p in GOL-1445.

Second, we are coming up on week 13, which is historically when we perform e-board elections. As such, with this announcement today, we are opening up signups for running. Positions are held for one full year (a fall AND a spring semester) To run, you must have been a RITlug member for 2 semesters, so as long as you have been coming to meetings since the fall semester and you are going into your second year, you are eligible to run. Also, for treasurer, you must be physically present on Henrietta’s campus during your tenure. You can run for the following positions (people running will be announced after signups close, in approximately two weeks).

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Contact anyone on e-board to nominate yourself for a position by Friday, 4/12. People running for positions will be announced that night and speeches/elections will occur in the beginning of the following meeting, on 4/19.

Third, we are announcing when the next lightning talks session will be! For the uninitiated, lightning talks are 5-10 minute talks from anyone about anything (school appropriate). Want to talk about esoteric technology? Go ahead! Want to talk about some random thing you know a lot about, even if it isn’t strictly computer related? Let’s hear it! It’s a fun way to both talk about something you care about as well as build public speaking skills. If you are interested in giving a lightning talk, react to this message. It will be very helpful in letting us figure out how to split time between everyone, and it is by no means binding. Lightning talks will occur on 4/26, so there’s plenty of time to come up with ideas!

Thanks, and see everyone tomorrow!

  • Ryan
Event Details

Fri, Mar. 29, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #9: ELF files

22 March 2024

Hey all!

This week, we’ll have a presentation from Ross explaining what ELF is and introducing tooling that will make your life easier. As usual, we will be meeting this Friday at 4:30 pm in GOL-1445.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Mar. 22, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #8: Mainframes

08 March 2024

Hey all!

This week, Kyri will be giving a presentation on mainframes and z/OS. As usual, we will be meeting this Friday at 4:30 pm and we will be returning to our usual room, GOL-1445.

See you all there!

Event Details

Fri, Mar. 08, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #7: Alumnni Panel

01 March 2024

Hey everyone!

This week, we have a bit of a special meeting. This Friday is the meeting before RIT’s career fair, so just like last year, we are going to have a few RITlug alumni (Jeffrey, Nate, Seth, and Tim) over to answer your questions about career fair, interviewing, Linux in the corporate world, and anything else you might want to ask!

Due to scheduling issues, we will NOT be meeting in our usual room this week. We will be meeting in Golisano 2455 (the same room as last spring) at the usual time of 4:30-6:00 pm. We will be back to our usual room after this week.

See you all there!

Event Details

Fri, Mar. 01, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #6: Plan 9

23 February 2024

Hey everyone!

This week, Ryan will be talking about the Plan 9 operating system. As always, we’ll meet this Friday at 4:30 pm in GOL-1445.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Feb. 23, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #5: CPU Design and x86

16 February 2024

Hey all!

This week, I’ll be giving a presentation about CPU design and the x86 instruction set architecture. As always, we’ll meet this Friday at 4:30pm in GOL-1445.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Feb. 16, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #4: Linux Graphics Stack

09 February 2024

Hey all!

This week we’ll have a talk from Simon about the Linux kernel graphics stack. As usual, we’ll meet in GOL-1445 at 4:30 - 6:00 pm this Friday.

See you all there!

Event Details

Fri, Feb. 09, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #3: Containerization

02 February 2024

Hey everyone!

This week, Tim will be giving a talk about the internals of containerization on Linux. As usual, we will be meeting this Friday from 4:30pm - 6:00pm in GOL-1445.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Feb. 02, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #2: GPG

26 January 2024

Hey all!

This week we’ll have a talk from Ryan about GPG, its history, how it works, and how you can use it yourself. As always, we’ll meet this Friday at 4:30 in GOL-1445.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Jan. 26, 2024
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #1: Welcome back!

19 January 2024

Hey everyone!

Welcome back to a new semester at RIT! For our first meeting we will give people a chance to introduce themselves and reunite after the winter break. As with last semester, we will meet on Fridays at 4:30 PM in Golisano 1445.

See you all there!

Event Details

Fri, Jan. 19, 2024 @ 04:30pm - Thu, Jan. 19, 2023 @ 06:00pm

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Week #14: End of semester

08 December 2023

Hey everyone!

This week will be the final meeting for this semester, so instead of having a talk we’ll just be hanging out and potentially playing some games. As always, we will meet this Friday at 4:30 in GOL-1445.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Dec. 08, 2023
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #13: Linux pentesting

01 December 2023

Hey all!

Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving break. This week we’ll have a talk from Kyri about pentesting Linux systems.

Also, the merch has arrived! We’ll be distributing it during this week’s meeting, if you can’t make it to this meeting or the next let us know.

As always, we’ll meet this Friday in GOL-1445 at 4:30 pm. See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Dec. 01, 2023
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #12: Lightning Talks!

17 November 2023

Hey everyone!

This Friday is our long-awaited lightning talks meeting! We’ll meet at 4:30pm in GOL-1445 as usual. Feel free to bring your own device to present with, but if you aren’t able to then eBoard will let you use one of our laptops or HDMI converters.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Nov. 17, 2023
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #11: Homelabbing

10 November 2023

Hey all!

This week we’ll have a talk from Freya about homelabbing. As always, we’ll meet in GOL-1445 at 4:30pm this Friday.

Remember, next week is Lightning Talks! Anyone can come and give a 5-ish minute talk on any topic they’re interested in (even if it’s not directly Linux related, although that’s certainly fine too).

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Nov. 10, 2023
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #10: Emacs

03 November 2023

Hey all!

This week, Rose will be giving a talk on Emacs. As always, we’ll meet this Friday in GOL-1445 at 4:30 pm.

As a reminder, Lightning Talks will take place on November 17th - two weeks from now.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Nov. 03, 2023
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #9: Internet Routing

27 October 2023

Hey everyone!

This week, Tim will be giving a talk on the OSI model, autonomous systems, and the inner workings of the Internet. As always, we’ll meet in GOL-1445 at 4:30 this Friday.

Also, lightning talks are going to be on November 17th this semester! Anyone can prepare a short presentation (5-10 min) on whatever topic they want, be it Linux-related or otherwise, and present it at the club meeting. Presentations can be serious, but by no means have to.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Oct. 27, 2023
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #8: Linux Kernel API

20 October 2023

Hey all!

This week, Simon and I will be giving a talk about the Linux kernel API. As always, we’ll meet this Friday in GOL-1445 at 4:30 pm.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Oct. 20, 2023
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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Week #7: Godot

13 October 2023

Hey all! This week we’ll be having a talk from Julian about Godot and FOSS game development. As always, we’ll meet this Friday in GOL-1445 at 4:30 pm.

If you ordered merch and are paying in cash, it is highly preferred that you get it to us some time before or during this meeting.

See you there!

Event Details

Fri, Oct. 13, 2023
04:30pm - 06:00pm

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