Week 12: Hardware Zoo

Jeffery Russell (@jrtechs) - 15 November 2018

Hey RITluggers,

This week we will be demoing some hardware projects at our meeting. Other than that, we will be working on projects. Feel free to swing by and work on homework, check out our hardware projects and get involved in open source projects.

On November 27th, we are doing a dinner fundraiser at IHOP. If you are able to attend, please RSPV with this link.

  • Jeffery Russell (@JrTechs) Your fellow RITlugger, best friend and your reindeer to guide the sleigh

Upcoming Events:

Event Details

Fri, Nov. 16, 2018
04:00pm - 06:00pm
GOL-2650 (Lg. DB Lab)

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