Howdy RITluggers!

Josh Bicking (@jibby) - 10 October 2018

We hope you enjoyed your October break, and you’re ready to tackle the next chunk of the semester!

We previously discussed getting involved in open source projects, or creating some of your own, and now is the perfect time. Hacktoberfest is upon us! Participate in some open source projects this month, and get a free shirt!

This is a great opportunity to get involved in projects you love, or find projects you’re sure to love! And of course, the club would love any pull requests you wanna throw our way. :)

Come learn a bit about Hacktoberfest, its sponsors, and get started on earning that special edition shirt!

Hope to see you there!

  • Josh Bicking (jibby)

Event Details

Fri, Oct. 12, 2018
04:00pm - 06:00pm
GOL-2650 (Lg. DB Lab)

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